Metrics Module

Aligning your team members’ goals with your organization’s priorities will have a direct impact on your success. Slick’s Metrics Module gives your employees the bigger picture as they understand the value of their contributions.

Focus on the same goals.

Bring your team together to focus on what matters the most.

Help your team know where they stand on the organization’s goals so they can help you move forward.

Slick’s Metrics Module helps you align individual goals with your company’s mission, vision, and strategic goals. By doing so, the whole team can move as one to bring your organization closer to where you want to be.

KPI Creation and Editing

Assigning KPIs with ease will rid you of administrative headaches.

User-Friendly Reporting

Users can smoothly find the information they need per KPI type, department, or status.

KPI Progress Tracking

Get a snapshot of the progress within a few easy clicks.

Metric History

Easily locate historical data for your reporting and analyzing needs.

See for yourself how Slick can change the way you work.

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  • Clarity on focus points.

    Teams that have the same goals are inspired and driven, leading your company to thrive and meet your targets.

  • Constructive insights and analytics.

    Both positive and negative performance can easily be accessed, providing managers with data-driven actionables.

  • Action-driven.

    You don’t have to wait for the end of each rating period. Because progress can be accessed easily, you’ll be able to make necessary decisions that will help keep the company on track.

Engaged Employees. Empowered Company.

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