Idea Module

Nothing empowers employees more than a company that listens to them and values their inputs. Slick's Idea Module is the perfect tool to bring out the sense of ownership in each member of the team.

Collaboration at its finest.

The smallest idea can have a huge impact.

You’ll be surprised at what your team can achieve by giving them the freedom to suggest.

Slick’s Idea Module is really one of a kind, as it offers an out of the box approach to fostering collaboration and teamwork in the workplace.

Open submission.

Ideas can be submitted by anyone at any time. The sky’s the limit!

Idea List.

See your roadmap to progress as you keep track of all submitted ideas.

Grab an idea.

Users can freely choose any of the ideas they want to implement.

Point system.

Empower both sides of your team by rewarding/awarding the idea source and its implementer.

See for yourself how Slick can change the way you work.

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A solution for every need

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  • Foster employee engagement.

    Sharing ideas encourages brainstorming and collaboration with different team members.

  • Get the pulse of your team.

    Observe the patterns and themes of each submitted and implemented idea.

  • Learn from their ideas.

    Take note of how impactful these ideas can be and how great they benefit your teams and company once implemented on a small or larger scale.

Engaged Employees. Empowered Company.

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